CPX Legendary Events Official Rulebook
Camping rules are subject to change based on the event location and local regulations.
1.1. Quiet Hours - Respect your neighbors. No loud music, yelling, or screaming. We will have 24-hour security at each event.
1.2. Friday Night - Quiet Hours from 10 P.M. to 7 A.M.
1.3. Saturday Night - Quiet Hours from 11 P.M. to 7 A.M.
1.4. Sunday Night - Quiet Hours from 10 P.M. to 7 A.M.
Fires must be in raised pits only and kept to a low level.
1.5. Do not cut any branches or limbs from trees for firewood. Respect our event locations at all times.
1.6. All State and Federal laws apply to the entire property at all times.
1.7. Dogs must be kept on leashes and kept quiet. You must pick up after your dog.
1.8. If you get stuck driving in or out of the event, please call for help.
1.9. Keep your campsite clean at all times.
2.0 Please break down paint boxes.
2.1. Garbage bags will be available at either registration or the stage.
2.2. Dumpsters are readily available. At the end of the event, please bring all garbage and boxes to the dumpsters.
2.3. Whisper generators only in camping and RV areas.
General Game & Safety Rules:
Goggles must be worn at all times on the field, no exceptions.
1.1. Must form a tight and complete seal around your eyes. No mesh or shooting glasses.
1.2. Must cover your ears, nose, and mouth.
1.3. If you have any questions about whether or not your mask is allowed, see the head referee or a game producer.
Barrel bags must be on at all times before the game begins, after the game ends, and off the field.
2.1. Barrel squeegees, socks, gloves, or other blocking devices are not sufficient.
All markers are to be chronographed at 280 FPS or below prior to entering the field.
3.1. Field referees will be on the field with hand chronos conducting random checks.
3.2. Any player caught shooting above 280 FPS on the field will be removed from the event.
3.3. The maximum balls per second (BPS) is 15.0 or Semi-Uncapped.
4.1. All rocket launchers must be chronographed at 230 FPS or below.
5.1. No other firing modes are permitted (fully automatic, burst fire, etc).
Players may use EVENT PAINT ONLY, no exceptions.
6.1. Round ball and First Strike Rounds (FSR) are permitted.
6.1.1. Any player caught with outside paint will be immediately removed from the game, no exceptions. Absolutely no refunds.
6.1.2 Players with FSR have a minimum engagement distance of 25 feet.
6.2. Only 0.68 caliber markers are permitted, aside from rocket launchers.
6.3. Each event has different paint, therefore paint from one event may not be used in another event.
6.4. If you accidentally brought outside paint to the event, please leave it in your vehicle.
Smoke grenades are allowed, unless otherwise stated.
7.1. Only cold burning smoke grenades.
7.2. Smoke grenades may not be thrown within 10 feet of an enemy player.
7.3. Once a smoke grenade is thrown, it may not be picked up or moved (unless performed by a referee, for safety purposes only).
No markers are allowed inside of command tents or mission tents. These tents are located on the playing field and are wrapped in netting.
8.1. Leave your marker on the outside of the tent in designated areas.
8.2. Once you are inside these locations, you may remove your goggles.
8.3. Before exiting these locations, ensure that your goggles are on.
Bunkering is allowed, overshooting is not allowed.
8.1. Be respectful to opposing players. Excessive bunkering/overshooting will not be tolerated.
No dead man talking.
9.1. All players must respawn or remove themselves from the field prior to communicating.
9.2. This rule covers all forms of communication, including radios as well.
All hits count.
10.1. Hits on the body, marker, and equipment will be counted.
10.2. If the paint does not break, you may keep playing.
10.3. If you call yourself out in any form, and you proceed to realize that the paint did not break, you have already called yourself out and must respawn.
No shooting at or over netting.
No sideline coaching.
No shooting at, or over field boundaries.
Tanks will be permitted, unless otherwise stated.
15.1. All tanks MUST be approved by a game producer prior to participation.
15.2. Tank routes will be provided, and will vary based on event location.
15.3. Tanks must be easily identifiable with their team color.
15.4. Tanks may be eliminated by shooting a rocket into one of the nets equipped on the tank.
15.5. Eliminated tanks must raise a white flag and proceed to exit the field.
15.6. Maximum speed limit of 5 MPH or a fast walking speed, whichever is slower.
15.7. Must be equipped with fully functional brakes.
15.8. All players inside the vehicle must have goggles on at all times, no exceptions.
15.9. Tanks must have a tank walker, who will lead the tank wearing a radiant orange/yellow vest. Tank walkers will ensure that no player is within 15 feet of the tank.
15.9.1. Shooting tank walkers will NOT be permitted.
15.10. Tank gunners are subject to standard rules of play, meaning that if they are hit by a paintball that breaks, they are out.
15.11. Tanks may be penalized for failure to abide by the above rules.
15.12. Field and weather conditions may dictate the usage of tanks throughout these events.
15.13. Contact CPX Legendary Events via email at least 2 weeks prior to the event to ensure that your vehicle meets safety and insurance regulations.
Absolutely no physical contact between individuals will be tolerated.
16.1. Any violation of this rule is ground for immediate expulsion from the event, without a refund.
Failure to abide by the rules or cooperate with CPX staff will result in removal from the event without a refund.
Required Equipment:
17.1. All players must have an ID badge to enter the field.
17.2. All players must have a wristband to enter the field.
17.3. All players must have their team color armband and/or tape attached to their arm, and it must be clearly visible.
18.1. All field referees are assigned with ensuring SAFETY as their #1 priority!
18.2. Any call made by a referee is final.
18.3. Under no circumstances will arguing with a referee be tolerated. Any misconduct expressed towards staff members and/or referees will result in expulsion from the event without a refund.
18.4. If you have a problem, see a HEAD REFEREE or a game producer/director.
Every possible outcome and/or circumstance will not be covered in the rules above. CPX reserves the right to alter or modify these rules for the purpose of safety and fairness at any time.